Internal Funding
Senate Research Committee
When claiming Internal or External research grant expenses, please use the Research Reimbursement Form . For more information, contact
Funding Opportunities
Harrison McCain Student Research Internships
Value: $2,000
Full-time and part-time faculty are invited to apply for funding to hire student interns/research assistants. Applications will be assessed by the Senate Research Committee and must describe both the research/creative project under consideration and the extent to which the proposed project will constitute a mentoring/learning opportunity for the student. Student internships differ from research assistantships in that training and skills development are integral to internships. For that reason, a project’s (a) research outcomes, (b) student intern tasks, and (c) the research skills linked to both of these outcomes and tasks, must all be clearly described and linked to one another. Applications should also clearly indicate the nature of student supervision/mentoring by, and engagement with, the faculty member. HMSRI awards must be used within one calendar year of the date of award.
Deadline: Oct. 21, 2024
Conference Organizer Award
Value: up to $1,500
The Conference Organizer Awards are special awards for faculty who will be organizing a conference within the next 12 months, either on or off campus.
Deadline: 2 months in advance of conference start date and/or 2 months in advance of the SSHRC Connection Grant competition deadline (funding for conferences and workshops).
Values: $1,000 for short haul and $2,000 for long haul
Conference Travel Grants provide financial assistance to full and part-time faculty members, including sabbaticants, who are formally disseminating their research/scholarship/creative works at academic conferences.
Deadline: Rolling deadline
Dr. Rosemary Clews Research Internship
Value: $2,000
The Internship enables a student to receive compensation while s/he develops a set of research skills and acquires research training by working with a professor in an area of the student’s interest. The internship will assist students with their financial needs and reinforce their academic accomplishments while providing research training, skills development and experience. One internship per year is available.
Deadline: TBD
SSHRC Explore
Value: up to $7,000
SSHRC Explore grants are research grants, awarded to faculty by the Senate Research Committee through open competition. All faculty (full-time and part-time) are eligible to apply, with priority given to faculty members who have not held a SSHRC Explore or SSHRC Exchange Grant before. Eligible expenses include equipment, supplies, research travel, and research assistants, as well as publication and dissemination expenses.
Deadline: Nov. 12, 2024
Harrison McCain Research Grants
Value: up to $7,000
Harrison McCain Research Grants are research grants, awarded to faculty by the Senate Research Committee through open competition. All faculty (full-time and part-time) are eligible to apply, with first preference given to emerging scholars (those who have completed less than eight years of service at STU by the submission deadline), and faculty holding regular part-time appointments. Eligible expenses include equipment, supplies, research travel, and research assistants, as well as publication and dissemination expenses. Faculty members who receive a Harrison McCain Research Grant will not be permitted to apply to this program in future years.
Deadline: Nov. 12, 2024
General Research Grant
Value: up to $3,000
General Research Grants (GRG) are research grants, awarded to full-time or part-time faculty by the Senate Research Committee through open competition.
Deadline: Nov. 12, 2024
SSHRC Exchange Grants
Value: up to $7,000
SSHRC Exchange grants are knowledge mobilization grants, awarded to faculty by the Senate Research Committee through oupperpen competition. All faculty (full-time and part-time) are eligible to apply, with priority given to faculty members who have not held a SSHRC Explore or SSHRC Exchange Grant before. Eligible expenses include costs of event hosting, honoraria and travel costs for participants, knowledge mobilization tools, and other hosting and communication costs.
Deadline: Nov. 12, 2024
Harrison McCain Knowledge Mobilization Grants
Value: up to $7,000
Harrison McCain Knowledge Mobilization Grants are knowledge mobilization grants, awarded to faculty by the Senate Research Committee through open competition. All faculty (full-time and part-time) are eligible to apply, with first preference given to emerging scholars (those who have completed less than eight years of service at STU by the submission deadline), and faculty holding regular part-time appointments. Eligible expenses include costs of event hosting, honoraria and travel costs for participants, knowledge mobilization tools, and other hosting and communication costs. Faculty members who receive a Harrison McCain Knowledge Mobilization Grant will not be permitted to apply to this program in future years.
Deadline: Nov. 12, 2024
Scholarly Book Publication Grants
Value: $4,000, up to 3 awards per year
Scholarly Book Publication Grants are available from the university’s General Research Fund to all STU faculty members who require funding to offset costs associated with the publication of scholarly, analytical books.
Deadline: Rolling deadline
Scholarly Article Publication Grants
Value: $2,000, 8 awards per year
Scholarly Article Publication Grants are available from the university’s General Research Fund to all STU faculty members who require funding to offset costs associated with the publication of scholarly, analytical articles in peer-reviewed journals.
Deadline: Rolling deadline
Value: See Canada Revenue Agency Guidelines
The Research Grant in Lieu of Salary Program and Non-Leave Grants Program permit, under certain conditions, a researcher to receive a research grant in lieu of salary through a mechanism that includes peer review. Faculty securing internal research grants must complete the on their research activities/outcomes to the ORS within 30 days of the end date of their award.
Deadline: TBD - program in review
Upper Third Sextile (U3S) AwardValue: up to $2,000
Formerly called the "4A Award". Researchers who have submitted unsuccessful Tri-Council research grants that are ranked in the top three sextiles are eligible to apply for a U3S Award (seed funding) from the Senate Research Committee to facilitate the submission of a future external grant application. Please note that only applicants who meet the ORS internal deadline for the related Tri-Council applications are eligible for U3S funding.
Deadline: 60 days after receiving U3S status
Wallace and Margaret McCain Course Release Award
The McCain Course Release Award (3 credit hours) is awarded to those faculty who meet the criteria set and administered by the Vice-President (Academic & Research). Faculty members with major research/scholarly/creative projects well underway are encouraged to apply. Applications will be reviewed by the Senate Research Committee and a nomination will be forwarded to the Vice-President (Academic & Research) for consideration.
Deadline: Nov. 12, 2024
STU Course Release Award
To support faculty members requiring research time to complete important research projects, St. Thomas University has created a three-credit-hour course release award that will be offered in alternate years to the Wallace and Margaret McCain Course Release Award. Faculty members with major research/scholarly/creative projects well underway are encouraged to apply. Applications will be reviewed by the Senate Research Committee and a nomination will be forwarded to the Vice-President (Academic & Research) for consideration.
Deadline: TBD
Final Reports
Looking to file an Internal Grant Report?
Note: Final Reports are no longer required for Conference Travel Grants.
Frequently Asked Questions
How long does it take for the Senate Research Committee to adjudicate an application?
Decisions will be reached within 30 days of receipt of a complete application.
What if I am unable to spend/claim my grant by the specified deadline?
If you are unable to spend/claim their award by the specified date, a written request for an extension for access to their funds can be made to the Chair of the Senate Research Committee via the office of the Associate Vice-President (Research). This request must be made in writing (or via email) outlining the reason for the extension and it must be submitted before the deadline date specified in the letter of award.
How much should I pay my Research Assistant?
Please see the Student Employment Policy May 2023.
How do I appeal a decision of the Senate Research Committee?
Please see the Appeals Policy for more information.